First we want to start by thanking all of the players that attended tryouts. We had a great turnout upwards of 50 athletes and we have no doubt that COMBA will be able to field competitive teams in all divisions this year. As coaches we do not make these decisions lightly and we hope to see you all on the field this year. We would like to congratulate and introduce the 13U AAA team in no particular order.
Ethan Bitgood
Jake Butts
Preston Giroday
Tanner Misfeldt
Jack Leslie
Henry Gilbert
Emma Lecompte
Aksel Smith
Blayz Wilson
Parks Orton
Rhys Wyatt
Ryan Swift
If your athlete was not selected we are happy to be able to offer them 3 more weeks of winter ball, Saturdays 1:45-3:45 at the CNC. (Feb 11, 18 and 25)
AA and A tryouts and teams will be announced at a later date.