Spring evaluations for Mosquito (11U), Peewee (13U) and Bantam (15U) will take place Saturday April 3rd at the Rutland Sports Dome:
8:30 - 10:30 - Mosquito
10:45 - 12:45 - Mosquito
1:30 - 3:30 - Peewee
3:45 - 5:45 - Peewee
6:00 - 8:00 - Bantam
Common questions:
Why do we do evaluations?
At COMBA in order to have the most Play, Hustle and Grow in our spring club teams, we need to have evaluations for 11U and up. This allows the coordinators to balance the teams so our club team games are as competitive as possible in our local spring league.
Which time do I come to?
Mosquito and Peewee players will receive an email from their coordinators by April 2nd as to which time they have been assigned.
Are these mandatory?
Yes! All registrants for spring need to come.
Can I help out?
Yes! We need 40 volunteers to make this day work. We need help with sign in, and a parent helper at each station. No experience necessary! Please sign up here and someone will contact you to confirm.
Can I stay and watch?
No. Due to COVID, we are restricted to no spectators.
If I make a high performance team or future hp program do I need to come to evaluations?
No. You will be notified before April 3rd that you have made the team and don’t need to attend.
If I try out for a high performance team or future hp program but don’t make the team, do I need to come to evaluations?
Yes! You still need to attend the evaluations on April 3rd, even if you have already attended tryouts.
I'm in U5 - U9. Do I need to try out?
No. Evaluations are for Mosquito (U11) and up.
Wasn’t there supposed to be a coach training day on April 3rd?
This training is being moved because as adults we aren’t allowed to gather indoors under the current restrictions. Stay tuned for dates and times.
Finally, we have some exciting new initiatives we are running this year with our evaluations. These are made possible by our evaluation sponsors, Urban Closets and FH&P Lawyers. Please support our local sponsors who support Sun Devils.