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13U AA Evaluation Information

If you're interested in trying out for 13U AA please ensure you complete the spring registration before February 15th and choose High Performance. The registration can be completed here. Once registration has been completed please complete the 13 UAA Questionnaire. Evaluations will be held on the following days, we ask that you only attend 1 of the 2 sessions: Sunday Feb 18th 5p-7p @MNP (Formerly CNC)


Saturday Feb 24th 5p-7p @MNP (Formerly CNC)

Extra details and FAQ: We will be selecting 2 AA teams for the spring season, tryouts will be held in June for the Summer AA and A teams. There will be a brief parent meeting following both sessions to share details and answer questions.

Important details: - Both AA Spring teams will have weekly practices starting in March, once fields are available we will be practicing twice a week. - Teams are registered in 2 Spring tournaments so far (April 25-28 and May long weekend) - We anticipate having 2 games each weekend throughout the Okanagan region. - Players who make the spring team are not guaranteed a spot on the Summer roster, a tryout will be held in June to select those teams.

Any questions that can't wait until the tryouts feel free to reach out to me at



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